
The United States, the Sole Empire

The principle consequence of the fall of the Soviet Union was the dramatic imbalance of having the United States as the exclusive global power. Until then, political power had dominated in the Soviet Union, as it did similarly in the United States, owing to the tension and struggle between the two empires. After the disappearance…

United Europe

We moved to New York in the eighties. Almost immediately I was seduced by the energy, the sincerity and directness, the simplicity and sense of organization, and the fidelity of our American friendships. New York shone with the light of 1000 fires. We mingled simultaneously between artistic circles, high society, and other foreigners. Creativity was everywhere…

The Third World

The newly liberated nations of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, in order to combat the growing influence of American and Soviet imperialism, moved little by little towards unification. Joining them over time were the dissident states of the Soviet Empire, such as Yugoslavia. This developed progressively, and took place because these nations were headed…


Greece is my country. I moved there once I finished my studies in Paris. I arrived to find a monarchy in office to which I belonged. I was flattered. With power comes a comfort unimaginable to those without it. Everything is brought to you on a silver platter. Simply make a wish and it will…

Decolonization II

I was a student during the Indochina War. I trembled with all of France during the siege of Dien Bien Phu. The French army was stuck in a basin surrounded by hills occupied by Viet Cong “rebels” who could attack at their pleasure. The siege seemed to last forever, it was heroic. France was anxious,…


World War II had weakened colonial powers, decolonization was inevitable. The ensuing conflicts set off a reaction against all forms of oppression. Simply, people wanted to be free. It was an evolution of History. The two empires of the time played a role in the movement. Curiously, the Soviet Union, which in principle should have supported the…

Cold War, III

The United States never had imperialist ambitions. Although president Monroe declared the Americas under the hegemony of the United States, the country still preferred to remain within its own borders. It was Europe that requested intervention in two world wars and subsequently provided this imperial role. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, the heir…

Cold War, II

I lived through the Cold War, in the Paris of my youth. For us, America was a friend, the good empire, our protector. It was the United States that had gotten rid of the Nazis, it was the United States that would protect us against the Soviets. They were a sympathetic country, democratic; they desired…

The Cold War, I

The United States and the Soviet Union were considerable powers before World War II. Despite the decisive role the United States played in the first World War, and despite the international influence of communism, both states were principally focused on domestic matters. The United State was busy with the crisis and aftermath of 1929, and…

Spain : My Religion

In Malaga, I was thrilled and exhilarated during the Holy Week. The nightly processions of grand, flower covered thrones, shining with candlelight and carrying statues. The Virgin, with her poor, tragic face, yet covered with diamonds and jewels, and the bloodied Christ, adorned with luxurious brocades. Then there were the pointy hats and colorful dresses…